Contact ISBE Form

We encourage you to use the form below to submit your comments or questions to the State Board of Education.
We will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible.
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Contact Info

  • Springfield Office
     100 N. 1st Street, Springfield, IL 62777
      (217) 782-4321

  • Chicago Office
     555 West Monroe Street, Suite 900, Chicago, IL 60661
      (312) 814-2220

  •  : 8 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday
  •  :

ROE Info

Questions regarding educator licensure, renewal, and credentials should be directed to your REGIONAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION (ROE) Find your ROE at

Departments Contact Info

List of ISBE Departments and contact numbers

ISBE Department Contact Number
Accountability: 217-524-4614
Assessment: 217-782-4823
Board Services: 217-557-6626
Budget & Financial Management: 217-782-0249
Charter Schools: 312-814-0923
Communications: 217-782-4648
CTE & Innovation: 217-524-4832
Data Strategies & Analytics: 312-814-9192
District/School Leadership: 312-814-0923
Early Childhood: 217-524-4835
Education: 312-814-1364
Educator Effectiveness: 217-557-4723
Facility Management: 217-782-4387
Family and Community Engagement: 312-814-2220
Federal & State Monitoring: 217-782-7970
Finance: 217-782-0249
Fiscal Support Services: 217-785-8777
Funding & Disbursements: 217-782-5256
Government Relations: 217-782-6510
Human Resources: 217-782-6434
Instructional Education: 217-782-4123
Internal Audit: 217-782-2237
Legal: 312-814-8857
Legislative Affairs: 217-782-6510
Multilingual: 312-814-3850
Nutrition: 217-782-2491
Operational Education: 312-793-2756
Operations: 217-782-6434
Policy & Communications: 217-782-4648
Programs: 312-814-0923
Project Management: 217-782-6434
Public Relations: 217-782-4648
Regional Services: 312-814-0923
Regulatory Services: 217-782-0354
Research: 312-814-9192
Research & Evaluation: 312-814-9192
ROE/ISC: 217-785-9998
Safe & Healthy Climate: 312-814-0923
School Business Services: 217-785-8779
School/District Improvement: 217-524-1817
Software Solutions: 217-782-4321
Special Education: 217-782-5589
Standards & Instruction: 217-782-4322
State Funding & Forecasting: 217-782-0249
State Superintendent: 217-782-2221
Systems of Support: 217-782-0354
Teaching & Learning: 312-814-1088
Technology Support & Infrastructure: 217-782-4321
Title Grant Administration: 217-785-1969
Wellness & Student Care: 217-782-5270