Illinois State Board of Education Illinois State Board of Education

How can I get a login name to use IWAS?

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If you are a Regional Superintendent, District Superintendent or Entity Administrator (e.g. Vocational Education Centers, Special Education Cooperatives, Colleges and Universities, etc.) you will be receiving a letter with a unique access code and a website address to go to for setting up your administrative account for reviewing, approving/denying electronic documents. If you fall in any one of these categories and did not receive your letter with the access code from us please contact ISBE Call Center at 217-558-3600 during our business hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM.

For help in accessing the website address listed in the letter and also for help on setting up administrative account please click here.

Any person other than the above who wants to use ISBE Internet-based systems through IWAS can register on the IWAS web site by clicking on the Sign Up Now link on the IWAS home page and then by providing some basic information.

Want more help with signing up (about login name, password, email, secret quetion/answer)? click here.

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